The Verdict!

So I spent countless (actually I didn’t really count) hours looking for the perfect way to organize (organize??) my social networking accounts (that includes my e-mails, instant messaging clients, as well as stuff like twitter, etc.) and to actually have fun doing it (that’s all I really want it to be. FUN!). And after testing quite a few stuff, here’s my decision on which works best, for me 😛

Google Chrome almighty. Although I’m tweaking my Firefox which I’ve been abandoning to make it a little more eye-friendly since I’m kinda interested in a few add-ons.

Digsby for IM and webmails cause it supports multiple accounts and keeps it all easily managed and thus oh-so-pretty.

Tweetdeck for twittering, and reading facebook status messages. If only it could reply to facebook status messages like Seesmic. Why not use Seesmic, instead? Cause I like Tweetdeck’s interface way, way, better., the ultimate social networking update web, although with the risk of making people angry at reading the same thing in several different accounts. But I try variety once in a while, and that’s why ping is still awesome.

and more to come as I dig deeper and deeper into the web. LOL.

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