Review: Stained Glass Hearts

Here’s a little not-so-secret fact about me. I love stained glass windows. I think they are extremely pretty. The awesome part about them, though, is that they are made of pieces of glass put together. Pieces. Broken pieces. Made into beautiful art. This is the premise of this book:

Stained Glass Hearts

Isn’t that how we are? Broken? Sharp edges? In need of repair? Longing to be, yet frightened of being seen in the light?

This is the reason why I picked this book up (a while ago). I felt broken and I was longing to be whole again. I didn’t read through it until recently because the introduction was all that I needed. It made me realize that a broken heart can never be whole again, but God is a stained glass artist and a stained glass heart is in fact so much more beautiful!

This book is full of other people’s experiences, the writers as well as her friends and families. I don’t usually like reading books like that because despite identifying with the feelings, I tend to believe that every person experiences things differently, and sometimes when I these stories and people “miraculously overcome” their struggles I’m like err, yeah, no. Not happening in my life and your sweet life made me puke a little.

But Stained Glass Hearts comes with special features: artworks, poetry, further reading, scripture bits, all there for further contemplation. Your own contemplation. And I love it.

Because just like there’s no two stained glass art that are the same, our stained glass hearts are different as well.

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